December 12, 2006

Thank You For Smoking (2005)

Bold, memorable dialogue from Big Tobacco's star lobbyist Nick Naylor and company in "Thank You For Smoking," last year's film satire of the smoking and anti-smoking campaigns:

Nick: "My job requires a certain moral flexibility."

Nick: "If you argue correctly, you're never wrong."

Nick: "It's in our best interest to keep [cancer-striken boy] alive!"

Kid Student: "My Mommy says smoking kills. "
Nick: "Oh, is your Mommy a doctor? "
Kid Student: "No. "
Nick: "A scientific researcher of some kind? "
Kid Student: "No. "
Nick: "Well then she's hardly a credible expert, is she? "

Nick: "My point is that you have to think for yourself. If your parents told you that chocolate was dangerous would you take their word for it? "
Kid Students: "No!"
Nick: "Exactly! So perhaps instead of acting like sheep when it comes to cigarettes, you should find out for yourself. "

Nick, about his collegue: "After watching the footage of the Kent State shootings, Bobby Jay, then seventeen, signed up for the National Guard so that he, too, could shoot college students. "

Former Marlboro Man: "You look like a nice enough fella. What are you doing working for these assholes?"
Nick: "I'm good at it. Better at doing this than I ever was at doing anything else."
Former Marlboro Man: "Aw, hell, son. I was good at shooting VC. I didn't make it my career. "

Nick's son, having convinced Mom to let him go to California with Dad: "It was an argument not a negotiation. "

Nick's son: "Dad, why is the American government the best government?"
Nick: "Because of our endless appeals system. "

Nick, to eccentric business partner Jeff: "When do you sleep?"
Jeff: ".....Sunday"

Now on DVD.

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