March 30, 2007

Google Maps Has Swimming Directions

Go to Google Maps to get "driving" directions from any city in the US to somewhere in Europe. At some turn-off, you know you'll have to swim for it!

March 27, 2007

Robert Horry Did Not Play (DNP) Due to Old Age

A night of pounding from the San Antonio Spurs could have been worse for my Golden State Warriors if one more player had taken to the court to add to the misery.

But as it turned out, Robert Horry did not play for the Spurs this one night due to "Old Age!"

Thank you, Yahoo Sports! Thanks for my brother's sharp eye and ever-meticulous perusal of all things NBA!

March 13, 2007

March Madness, March Damness

Sports in March means NBA playoff positioning, baseball Spring training...and March Madness! Count me in with all the bracketology:

March 11, 2007

Fire Engine and Tight Spaces

Dry, fire weather in the Bay Area and the FD was taking the Engine for a ride, checking access and entryways around tight spaces. Like my 'hood.

Asked if I should move the car, and was told it should stay as a prop for the afternoon's practice drive. And yes, they have auto insurance!

March 04, 2007

Winter of Discontent

A Sense of Danger:
Winter arrived menacingly over my home...a nimbus blitzkrieg overtaking sunny days and night outs...

...and so start the winter games!

A Sense of Speed:

Relegated to indoor sports, I entered LeMan's Indoor Kart Racing in Fremont. Two track configurations: summer and winter. Tight turns. Nine hundred eighty four feet lap after lap. Thirty-five-mph straightaways. Accurate timing by transponder. Stats sheet at the end.

Here is the summer circuit that I conquered...19.135 seconds at the best lap:

...and the winter circuit that I need improvement:

A Sense of Ice:

Here I go with broom hockey, introducing myself to hard, painful ice:

Morale Booster at Work

The return-on-investment for a foosball table at $1,000 would equal years of unplanned employee morale boost and mid-afternoon picker-upper.

And at work, we abuse this unsupervised "team-building" event, at least one hour a day.

March 01, 2007

R2-D2 Mailboxes!

Look here!
The USPS plans to honor the 30th Anniversary of Star Wars by sporting R2-D2 boxes to take your mail.
Future Headline: Thousands of Mail Lost to Mailbox Theft.
Future Headline 2: Mailmen Protest C3PO Uniforms; Plan Walkout.